Friday, April 2, 2010

Vatican II's Twisted Tree and Rotten Fruit: Rebellion Against God - Predatory Priests and Their Enablers: part ten

The Salt Has Lost its Flavor!

Whitewashed Sepulchres, Keep Your Hands Off Our Children! Enable No More! Rebel No More! Groom no more!

by Clotilde Frazier copyright 2010

Illustration copyright mm 2010
All rights reserved

In the Face of Injustice

Extraordinary things happen when you seek truth - out of nowhere relevant facts appear. Suddenly you find more information than you can bear. You cry, pray, shout to heaven and ask what  you can do to help stop the madness. Then comes the inner-voice:

 "In the face of injustice, you cannot remain silent. Silence is consent! Clearly, you never consented to the destruction of Holy Mother Church or  her hope for the future: her young boys. 'Be not afraid' to defend the true church and the true faith. Distinguish them from the false faith, the false church. Somewhere a child is waiting to be rescued. 

"Remember your confirmation vows i.e., to fight for the faith as a soldier of Christ.  Hold fast to certainty's truthful sword. It is your best defense against falsity's deadly baiters and VII's 'freedom of conscience' tricksters -  use it wisely and bravely."

To the Flavorless Salt:

You have been vile, preyed on our youth and have branded yourself a malefactor. For the sake of your soul, you must stop your murderous acts, beg your victims for their forgiveness, publicly confess your sins, leave and do sincere penance, while trusting in God's mercy and forgiveness;

You have broken your vows to God. For the sake of your soul, you must  confess, do sincere penance, while trusting in God's mercy and forgiveness;

You have conveniently used lies and maladaptive survival mechanisms to assuage a sick conscience.  For the sake of your soul, you must root out evil's influence, purge the father of lies from within you, confess and do sincere penance, while trusting in God's mercy and forgiveness; 

You have harmed the Bride of Christ, the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church and brought scandal to her and her children.  For the sake of your soul, publicly confess, withdraw and do sincere penance, while trusting in God's mercy and forgiveness.

You and we "[h]ave left the warmth and joy of [God's] house to eat husks with the swine..."  Repent with us!  You have been rightly exposed. Exposure may be the means by which God's grace is working for your salvation.  

Click picture to enlarge
I can do no more to show how much I love you

Allan Placa NY - Alleged Homosexuality - Cover-up
on behalf of pederast/homosexual priests (sic)

Ireland's Child Abusers

Homosexual Priests (sic) in the Vatican

Obstruction's Enablement in the Vatican

Homosexual priest (sic) rebels and resists
God's definition of sin. To those who tolerate
and applaud unrepentant sinners, are you
aware of your complicity?

Concupiscence heterosexual (lust)

Read below how preversion grooms its victims

Brazilians saw this on TV.  Pray for the true
Alter Christus - he has a huge cross to carry.

Outrage expresses itself in the form of a defiant

Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa!